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All translations - kumarsubhash_222

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Source language
Engels Your opinion
An expert has asked for your opinion on this translation, in order to decide whether or not to validate it.

Vertalings gedaan
Arabies رأيك
Hongaars Egy szakértő a véleményed kéri erről a fordításról
Kroasies Vaše mišljenje
Spaans Tu opinión
Grieks Ένας ειδικός έχει ζητήσει
Bulgaars Вашето мнение
Sweeds Din åsikt
Nederlands Uw advies
Fins sinun mielipiteesi
Esperanto Via opinio
Turks Bir uzman bu çeviriyi onaylayıp onaylamamaya karar
Deens Din mening
Duits Ihre Meinung
Romeens Părerea dumneavoastră
Italiaans La tua opinione
Sjinees vereenvoudig 你的意见
Sjinees 你的意見
Brasiliaanse Portugees Sua opinião
Slowaaks Expert vyžiadal tvoj názor na tento preklad,
Tsjeggies Váš názor
Portugees A sua opinião
Koreaans 당신의 의견
Japannees あなたの意見
Katalaans La teva opinió
Litaus Tavo nuomonÄ—
Pools Twoja opinia
Noors Din mening
Oekraïenies Ваша думка
Frans Votre opinion.
Serwies Vаšе мišljеnjе
Russies Ваше мнение
Bosnies Vaše mišljenje
Fœroese Tín meining
Estnies Sinu arvamus
Fries ehr meenung
Letties JÅ«su viedoklis
Bretons Da soñj
Hebreeus חוות דעתך
Klingon vuDlIj
Yslands Þín skoðun
Farsie-Persies رای تو
Albanies Mendimi juaj
Indonesies Pendapat anda
Georgies თქვენი შეფასება
Masedonies Вашето мислење
Afrikaans U Opinie
Iers D'iarr saineolaí do thuairim ar an aistriúchán
Hindi किसी विद्वान ने इस अनुवाद
Maleis Pendapat anda
Thai ความเห็นของคุณ
Oerdoe آپ کی رائے
Viëtnamees Ý kiến của bạn
Azerbeidjans sənin fikrin
Tagalogies Inyong opinyon
10Source language10
Brasiliaanse Portugees Espírito Livre; Conhece A Ti Mesmo;
Espírito Livre;

Conhece A Ti Mesmo;
Gostaria que as expressões fossem escritas de duas maneiras:

a primeira, com as palavras escritas com as primeiras letras maiúsculas, exemplo: "Conhece A Ti Mesmo" / "Espírito Livre";

a segunda maneira de forma normal como em uma frase, exemplo: "Conhece a ti mesmo"; Espírito livre"

Muito Obrigado...

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Free Spirit; Know Thyself
Grieks Ελεύθερο πνεύμα, Γνώθι σαυτόν.
Oekraïenies Вільний дух; Пізнай себе
Latyn Liber anime, cognosce te ipsum.
Hebreeus רוח חופשית; הכר את עצמך;
Japannees 精神を解放せよ、汝自身を知れ、
Hindi मुक्त आत्मा
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels Instalation instructions
To install Magma go to Start -> Run and type ...
Magma should not be translated and if possible Start -> Run should be translated too but keeping the same structure ( ... -> ...)

Vertalings gedaan
Indonesies Instruksi instalasi
Albanies Instruksionet e instalimit
Hindi मेग्मा को इंस्टॉल करने के लिए -> चलाएं टाइप करें ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bosnies Ja tebe ne...
Ja tebe ne volim!
and please if someone can do this quick. thanks alot.
once again i need translation of this line in english.

"Ja tebe ne volim!"

that is bosnian language.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I don´t love you!
Turks Seni...
Hindi मुझे तुमसे प्यार नहीं है!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Sweeds Processen är finessen (Ordet processen avser...
Processen är finessen
Ordet processen avser en process i form av ett skeende, inte en rättsprocess.

Brittisk engelska

Vertalings gedaan
Engels The process is the refinement
Hindi प्रक्रिया ही परिष्करण है।
11Source language11
Engels Food is happiness. Food is love.
Food is happiness. Food is love.
Standard Arabic
Dutch (Netherlands)
French (France)
Also, for the languages that do not use the Latin alphabet (like Chinese, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, etc), I would like it if they could please be written in their own writing system. Thanks!

Vertalings gedaan
Grieks Το φαγητό είναι ευτυχία. Το φαγητό είναι αγάπη.
Sjinees vereenvoudig 食物是幸福。食物是爱。
Brasiliaanse Portugees Alimento é felicidade. Alimento é amor.
Sweeds Mat är lycka. Mat är kärlek
Tsjeggies Jídlo je štěstí. Jídlo je láska.
Italiaans Alimento è felicità. Alimento è amore.
Arabies الأكل هو السعادة. الأكل هو الحب.
Nederlands Voedsel is blijdschap. Voedsel is liefde
Pools Jedzenie jest szczęściem. Jedzenie jest miłością.
Hebreeus אוכל
Oekraïenies Їжа - це щастя. Їжа це кохання.
Duits Essen ist Glück. Essen ist Liebe.
Frans Aliment est joie. Aliment est amour.
Spaans El alimento es felicidad. El alimento es amor.
Russies Еда - это счастье. Еда - это любовь.
Japannees 食べ物とは幸せ。食べ物とは愛。
Turks Yiyecek mutluluktur. Yiyecek sevgidir.
Latyn Cibus
Koreaans 먹거리는 행복입니다. 먹거리는 사랑입니다.
Hindi भोजन खुशी है। भोजन ही प्यार।
Thai อาหารคือความสุข อาหารคือความรัก
Viëtnamees Thức ăn là tình yêu. Thức ăn là hạnh phúc.
Source language
Deens Hvis dette er livet så frygt ej døden
Hvis dette er livet så frygt ej døden
Det er en form for ordsprog som engang er blevet sagt ombord på et skib omkring arbejdspladsen i det mørke maskinrum. Vi vil derfor have lavet en plade med indgraveringen af teksten hængende over døren til maskinen.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels If this is life, don't fear the death.
Arabies في هذه الحياة ، لاتخف من الموت.
Latyn Si haec vita, mortem noli timere
Hindi यदि यह जीवन है, तो मौत से भय क्यों।
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